English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 5 May 2020
Biblical Etymology of Organs and Body Parts
Authors: James Xianxing Du
Pages: 69-91
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.65.69.91
Genesis claims that ancient languages were divinely diversified as the linguistic origin. In consistence, this article presents systematic evidence for biblical etymology related to all major body parts and organs. For instance, heart is to heat, brain is to burn, kidney is to kindle burnt offering, and muscle is to slice to the multiple. Sandal is sacred land, scared is sacred scarf, and tragedy is to tear garment. Both objective and abstract words exhibit biblical match, such as random and ransom as escaping scapegoat randomly chosen. Biblical etymology of morals 德, love 愛, real真, eternity 永, memory, necessity 必, secret 秘, accident, pardon 恕 and mister is also presented. Novel interpretation in biblical etymology is also presented for several affixes such as 辰,
者, per, and m/l+vowel+n. In definitive etymology, numerous words such as generation, espionage, pregnancy and agriculture are presented to bilingually match bible, especially the scripture of Moses, reflecting divine creation.
"Discourse" of Creation: A Narrative Analysis of Fashion
Authors: Runkun Guo
Pages: 64-68
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.65.64.68
In a consumer society, "discourse" has become a way of creation. The narrative of object sets a new perspective, showing the non-material components of the material as much as possible, and people’s positive attitude towards the narrative mode also changes the focus of fashion design work. It is intended to analyze clothing narrative from the three aspects of fashion narrative suggestion, discourse structure and how fashion narrative is consumed.