English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 6 June 2020
Existential Maturity of Savitri in the Dark Room
Authors: Ramesh Prasad Adhikary
Pages: 99-104
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.66.99.104
This article is mainly focused on the protagonist Savitri of the novel The Dark Room and how she is alienated from herself, from the society and from the world and about her quest for marital identity. Savitri also goes through the crisis of discontent to the quest for happiness. Savitri of the ancient legend is a paragon of virtue and courage who confronts even Death to save her husband is finally victorious. Ironically unlike the legendary Savitri, Narayan’s Savitri chooses to leave home, husband and children once she comes to know of her husband’s infidelity. Contrary to the legend, Savitri is just an ordinary, amiable, housewife. She abandons her gambler and drunkard husband and her family. But her independence proves detrimental to Savitri’s familial peace. Narayan skillfully portrays her every action and in his ironic subtle fashion puts across the artificiality behind it. As a qualitative research, this researcher has taken the text as a ptimary source and interpreted it from existential point of view.
Stylistic Use of Structural Meaning in Kanafani's Men in the Sun
Authors: Omer Elsheikh Hago Elmahdi ; Abdulrahman Mokbel Mahyoub Hezam
Pages: 92-98
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.66.92.98
This study aims at stylistically analyzing Men in the Sun in terms of the use of rhetorical questions and polyphony. The main objective is to show the contribution of these stylistic features (rhetorical questions and use of polyphony) in construing meaning and heightening the aesthetic values of novella and show how focus on specific stylistic features helps in analyzing a literary text. The researchers used the analytical approach to examine how the use of rhetorical questions and polyphony helps in constructing the meaning of the novella and highlighting its main themes. This study will be helpful to students of literature who want to better understand stylistic analysis and how writers use stylistic devices to enhance the meaning they want to convey. The study could also serve as a springboard for further studies in this area and could promote academic discourse on stylistic analysis of various Arabic literary works in English translation.