English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 7 Number 2 June 2021
Inter-Language Translation from Chinese to Indonesian: Strategies and Adjustments
Authors: Clara Herlina Karjo ; Yi Ying ; Fu Ruomei
Pages: 39-46
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.72.39.46
Translation usually involves two languages, the source language, and the target language. However, there is a certain situation that compels the use of an intermediary language for translating a source language (SL) text into a target language (TL) text. For example, when the source language texts (such as texts in Chinese) are not easily available in the target language country (such as Indonesia). This paper analyzed the strategies and adjustments made by the translators in doing inter-language translation or translation through an intermediary language, from Chinese to English to Indonesian. The purpose of this research is to compare two versions of translation, the first being the Indonesian translation from English as an intermediary language (IT) and the second is the Indonesian translation directly from Chinese (DT). Research revealed that IT used loss strategy while DT used gain strategy in the form of syntactic and semantic adjustments because there are many culture-specific items of the source language text that are unknown to either English or Indonesian. The findings imply that the translators should have enough skill and knowledge to enable them to accurately communicate the message of the source text to the target text audience.
Effects of Using Online Approach on Speaking Skills Among Malaysian University Students
Authors: Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan ; Iqbal Ahmad ; Ros Eliana Binti Ahmad Zuki ; Nurzarina Binti Abdul Samad
Pages: 34-38
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.72.34.38
The role of the university has gone far from just producing students with excellent academic achievements to producing students with tremendous communication skills such as speaking in English to enable them to compete in the global market. However, many university students in Malaysia are still struggling to acquire the English language comprehensively that matches the employers’ expectations. Hence, the importance of spoken English should be emphasized more by creating more interesting platforms and using online approaches such as vlogs to enable the students to use the language more profoundly. Thus, a pilot study was conducted to identify the effect of the vlog approach on the speaking skills of 50 students from a Malaysian Technical University. This study employed a quantitative method. A survey was conducted using a self-developed questionnaire which was distributed through Google Form. The questionnaire comprised 3 sections: student demography, speaking ability, and vlog effects. The data were analyzed using the mean score, standard deviation, Linear regression, and ANOVA. The results revealed that the use of online vlog activities had significantly helped the respondents to improve their speaking skills. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the use of vlog activities among the male and female respondents with regard to improving speaking skills in English. Therefore, it was concluded that using online vlog activities was a useful platform to practice and improve speaking skills in English among university students and more of these types of online approaches could be employed to help the university students to enhance confidence to speak in English.