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Volume 9 Number 2 September 2023

TAPs in the Research on Translation Process: An Overview

Authors: Xu Yuemeng ; Liu Yongjie
Pages: 22-27
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.92.22.27
The translation process is a cognitive activity, and it has been a long time that the study on translation processes makes little progress, which is due to the lack of proper investigation methods. In the 1980s, Ericsson and Simon introduced the data collecting method of verbal reports into translation studies, providing new research angel and research methods, which opens a new chapter in translation studies. This article reviews the application of think-aloud protocols in the research of translation process, pointing out its advantages and disadvantages.

An Analysis of Primary School Students’ Reading Competence in Using Cohesive Devices

Authors: Jinxiu Jing
Pages: 18-21
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.92.18.21
Cohesion devices are an important and key part of discourse analysis through English learning. Based on problems in current English reading classes in primary schools, like lack of critical thinking competence, broken lexical knowledge, or ineffective reading habits, this paper aims to call for the necessity of guiding primary school students to gradually strengthen the awareness of analyzing the cohesion devices in text reading so as to lay a sound foundation for their future literature appreciation.

The Positive Chinese Women Image in the 21st Century from the Perspective of Multimodal Analysis in the Milk Advertising Discourse ---Take Two Milk Brands as Examples

Authors: Cheng Mi
Pages: 13-17
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.92.13.17
This paper is a multimodal analysis of women image in milk advertisement, including the analysis of Bright Dairy advertisement of Chinese women volleyball team and the analysis of Mengniu advertisement of Eileen Gu. By applying multimodal method, the author analyzes these two milk ads respectively to point out that the milk ads in the 21st present a positive women image. In these ads, women are portrayed as courageous, independent, indomitable and perseverant.

Involving Children with Visual Impairments in the Educational Process During English Language Lessons in an Inclusive Classroom

Authors: Abdullayeva Gavhar Saparovna ; Safarova Zarina Giyosovna ; Khakimova Gulsara Egamnazarovna
Pages: 7-12
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.92.7.12
In this article, we would like to explore the most relevant and accessible educational resources available today, as well as methods and forms of organizing an inclusive learning environment for working with visually impaired and blind children in English language lessons. We will consider several important aspects of teaching that need to be taken into account when working in an inclusive classroom and present a lesson model based on audio-lingual and communicative teaching methods. The article also provides examples of assignments for in-class and extracurricular work using various components of the universal access system and educational applications, which will assist children with visual impairments and serve as a valuable supplementary resource for teachers.