Scientific Review
Online ISSN: 2412-2599
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 2 Number 1 January 2016
Prediction of Extreme Wind Speed Using Artificial Neural Network Approach
Authors: N. Vivekanandan
Pages: 8-13
Prediction of an accurate wind speed of wind farms is necessary because of the intermittent nature of wind for any region. Number of methods such as persistence, physical, statistical, spatial correlation, artificial intelligence network and hybrid are generally available for prediction of wind speed. In this paper, ANN based methods viz., Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks are used. The performance of the networks applied for prediction of wind speed is evaluated by model performance indicators viz., Correlation Coefficient (CC), Model Efficiency (MEF) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Meteorological parameters such as maximum and minimum temperature, air pressure, solar radiation and altitude are considered as input units for MLP and RBF networks to predict the extreme wind speed at Delhi. The study shows the values of CC, MEF and MAPE between the observed and predicted wind speed (using MLP) are computed as 0.992, 95.4% and 4.3% respectively while training the network data. For RBF network, the values of CC, MEF and MAPE are computed as 0.992, 95.9% and 3.0% respectively. The model performance analysis indicates the RBF is better suited network among two different networks studied for prediction of extreme wind speed at Delhi.
Model Validation and Control of an In-Wheel DC Motor Prototype for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Authors: Mohammed F. Jaff ; Kumeresan A. Danapalasingam ; Amir A. Bature
Pages: 1-7
In this paper, a mathematical model and a controller for a DC motor are developed for the construction of an in-wheel motor. In-wheel motors can be used in hybrid electric vehicles to provide traction force of front or rear wheels. The model identification is achieved using a simple and low cost data acquisition system. An Arduino Uno embedded board system is used to collect data from sensors to a computer and for control purposes. Data processing is performed using Matlab/Simulink. Validations of the developed mathematical model and controller performance are carried out by comparing simulation and experimental results. The results obtained show that the mathematical model is accurate enough to assist in speed controller design and implementation.