Scientific Review
Online ISSN: 2412-2599
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 1 Number 3 August 2015
Assessment of Maternal Health Seeking Behavior and Service Utilization among Women of Reproductive Age in South- Eastern, Nigeria
Authors: Udeh Mary ; Ede Allison ; Amadi Chinasa ; Chukwuocha Adanna ; Chukwuocha Uchechukwu
Pages: 64-73
Health seeking behavior and utilization of maternal healthcare services are proximate factors that influence maternal morbidity and mortality in any society. We therefore assessed the pattern of health seeking behavior and types of maternal healthcare services utilized by women of the reproductive age in parts of Southeastern Nigeria. A cross sectional descriptive method involving the use of a well-structured pretested questionnaire was used to collect data from 521 randomly selected women between the ages of 15-49 years. Informed oral consent was obtained from these women prior to their recruitment for the study. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the data obtained using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The mean age of the respondents was 32± 0.07620 years and most(50.5%) attained secondary education. There was a significant relationship between healthcare services and mother’s age (p<0.000) with women between 29-35yrs (52.2%) utilizing healthcare services more than those in other age groups. Place of residence (r =0.568, p≤.001) and religion (r = 0.784, p≤0.001) were also significantly associated with health seeking behaviour. About 58% of the respondents understood that good maternal healthcare can reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. Our findings showed good health seeking behaviour and service utilization in the study area despite the identified hindering factors. These underscore the need to empower women of reproductive age as well as to put mechanisms in place that will increase their access to quality maternal health care services.
Stereographical Simulation of the Propagation of the Atomic Orbitals f-3 & f+3 in Spacetime as a Vibrational Wave Over an Ether from Point A to Point B in the ?Eternal? Expansion of the Universe
Authors: Jaime B. Vigo
Pages: 45-63
This work is based on a
previous published hypothesis which proposed that the solid matter of the
universe can be represented as a vibrational wave of energy propagating over an
ether or matrix through a mechanism that scrambles the degree of duality in matter:
x% localized (solid), y% delocalized (wave). The main purpose
of this paper is to present a two dimensional approximation of the three
dimensional structure of the shape of the energy distribution of an atomic
orbital to propose a mechanism through which the orbital can be transported as
a vibration from a point A to point B in the matrix. This process requires
cycles or oscillations of mounting-dismounting-remounting in which what travels
from point A to point B is the energy forming the orbital and not
the solid matter that it can form. The atomic seven dimensional f orbital of hydrogen-like atoms is used
as a model to show an analogy to the transformations that it can be submitted
to when transported over the matrix. The
eight lobes or petals of the f-3 and
f+3 sub-orbitals that are
allowed by quantum rules to form solidity in matter are approximated with the
polar equation r=sin(100*θ).
Successive multiplication of the angle θ by
the values 101 to 139 generates harmonic structures that here are interpreted
as shapes of the orbitals that are not allowed by quantum rules to form solid
objects. The initial shape approximated by r=sin(100*θ)
is re-generated by r=sin(140*θ).
This result suggests that the transportation of the orbitals from point A (r=sin(100*θ))
to point B (r=sin(140*θ) may involve a transition state of forty changes in the
structure that cannot form solid matter. Mathematical study of the associated dr/dθ derivatives of each function
reveals an underlying order of changes in symmetry and the appearance of a
gene-like structure of the mechanism that includes tandem repeats and
palindrome sequences. Further discussion considers interpreting the
transportation mechanism through templates controlled by quantum coherence and
decoherence, and future areas of study.