Scientific Review
Online ISSN: 2412-2599
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Print ISSN: 2413-8835
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 8 August 2018
Savings in Consumption of Concrete and Steel and in the Related Cost of Various Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Shear Walls Due to Implementation of Base Isolation Strategy
Authors: Mikayel Melkumyan
Pages: 68-73
In 2017 the author has published a paper “Demonstration of the Cost-Effectiveness of Base Isolation Strategy on the Example of the 16-Story Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Shear Walls” [1]. This work described details on materials’ and costs’ savings for two base isolated buildings and has drawn the interest of many researchers and designers. They approached the author through the well-known scientific networks with the request to provide more information on this topic. To satisfy these multiple queries the below paper was prepared which presents data on savings in consumption of concrete and steel and in relevant cost of other three residential complexes due to implementation of base isolation strategy. Savings were revealed by comparison of base isolated buildings with the fixed base buildings. The key point is that all the three residential complexes with fixed base buildings were designed before they were given to the author with the request to redesign them applying seismic isolation systems. This gave the possibility to directly compare data on consumption of concrete and steel in new innovative and previous conventional designs.