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Volume 10 Number 2 September 2024

New Solutions of Lorentz Transformation IV

Authors: TomášKafoněk
Pages: 9-18
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/sr.102.9.18
This paper is the fourth part of a hypothesis originally based on the basic assumptions of Lorentz transformation and has various implications. In the first part of the hypothesis [1], I calculated the wave function from the general assumptions of the Lorentz transformation. This wave function describes spacetime deformations and entirely replaces the original Lorentz solution used in special relativity. Importantly, each new solution, for both time and space deformation, has two possible solutions that are equally probable. Therefore, I have used these equations for further calculations, which already have a quantum nature. In the second part of my hypothesis [1], I converted this equation into an electromagnetic one and used it to calculate interference and diffraction. Thus, the resulting equation is not based on complex functions, as in standard calculations. We can further investigate this equation, for example, in the context of electron levels in an atom, as interference and diffraction are phenomena related to Young’s experiment, and the wave properties of electrons have been demonstrated. In the third part of my hypothesis [1], I applied the calculations to atomic relations and outlined possible solutions for atomic orbitals. This outline of the potential arrangement of energies in the atomic model arose from the fact that some molecules, such as CH4, have the shape of a Platonic solid tetrahedron, which I consider pivotal within the framework of the VSEPR theory.