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Volume 4 Number 6 June 2019

Hydrothermal Components in Marine Sediments: An Insight into Sea Floor Mineralization Process

Authors: Popoola Samuel Olatunde ; Unyimadu John Paul ; Adegbie Adesina Thompson ; Akinnigbagbe Akintoye Edward ; Ladigbolu Ismail Adejare ; Adekunbi Falilu Olaiwola ; Ebohon Joy Osiuare
Pages: 27-33
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajc.46.27.33
Hydrothermal process is an essential phenomenon for seafloor metallic enrichments and mineral accumulations. The sea-water-oceanic crust circulations near all the submarine volcanic structures had led to the production of essential base metals, metallic sulfides and natural hydrogen. The non-renewable, slow growth and accumulation rate of the mineral deposits has made the search for more hydrothermal fields to be of utmost importance. Hydrothermal components in sediments are liable to act as geological records on the reconstruction of: history, intensity, location and environmental conditions of hydrothermal activities, with respect to their unique mineralogy and geochemistry. It further provides essential data for locating active and inactive hydrothermal systems. Here we highlight some of the integrated approach on the applications of isotopes, mineralogical and chemical investigations on hydrothermal influenced sediments from Mid Ocean Ridge System. These investigations on near ridge metalliferous sediments have been used to complement fluids and rock geochemistry, with respect to having an insight into the processes of sea-floor mineralization. This review has further suggested some important methodological approach to the understanding of the near vent marine sediments’ fingerprints.