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Volume 5 Number 11 November 2019

Analysis of Women Characters in Miranda Stories

Authors: Wang Ru
Pages: 180-183
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.511.180.183
Katherine Anne Porter was awarded Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and National Book Award for her most important works The Collection of Short Stories which include 27 short stories, nine of which are Miranda stories consisting of Old Mortality, The Old Order and Pale Horse,Pale Rider. Miranda stories give an account of the life experience of three generations of females in Miranda family, including Miranda’s grandma, aunt Amy and Eva and Miranda herself. Combined with the background of Potter’s life and feminist movement in the United States, this paper analyzed the existence status and the images of female characters in Miranda family, and explored the process of female consciousness, which will help comprehensively understand Potter’s works and her female’s awakening.