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Volume 7 Number 2 April 2021

New Solutions of Lorentz Transformation III

Authors: Tomáš Kafoněk
Pages: 15-19
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/sr.72.15.19
This work is my third part of the hypothesis which was originally based on the basic assumptions of the Lorentz transformation and has various consequences. In this first part of the hypothesis [1], I calculated a wave function from the general assumptions of the Lorentz transformation. This wave function describes the spatiotemporal deformations and I use it also in my second part of the hypothesis [2] to calculate the interference and diffraction which resulted in an equation that is not based on complex functions, as is the case with standard calculations. This equation we can examine also, for example, in the context of electron levels in an atom, because interference and diffraction are phenomena related to Young’s experiment, and the wave properties of electrons have been demonstrated.