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Volume 3 Number 9 September 2017

Information Science and Technology (IST): The Nature and View from the Domain of Computing, Humanities, Management and Engineering A Conceptual Techno-Educational Study

Authors: P. K. Paul ; A. Bhuimali ; P. S. Aithal ; R. Rajesh
Pages: 77-82
Information Science is a Science of Sciences responsible for Information Solution besides its Technological Solution. Information Science [IS] is a broad field and combination of many fields of Science, Engineering, Management, Humanities and so on. Information Science during its origin developed as Information Field for Information activities such as collection, selection, organization, processing and management, and dissemination. Information Science sometimes treated as Information Studies or Library Science; however, there are many differences between Information Science and these two. Information Science is today emerging as an important name in Science and Technology and in several cases, the nomenclature of Information Science become popular as Information Science and Technology (IST). This paper talks about Information Science and its nature in the contemporary scenario with a brief discussion on earlier facets etc.