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Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences

Online ISSN: 2415-2188
Print ISSN: 2415-5225

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 4 Number 6 June 2018

New Continuous Hybrid Constant Block Method for the Solution of Third Order Initial Value Problem of Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors: K. M. Fasasi
Pages: 53-60
In this study, a new one step continuous hybrid constant block method is developed using interpolation and collocation of power series approximate solution to  solve  initial -value  problems involving  third -order  ordinary  differential  equations. The one step block method was augmented by the introduction of off grid points so as to circumvent Dahquist zero stability barrier. The block method is then applied to obtain the solution of two numerical examples for demonstration of the efficiency of the new method. The results are compared with the existing ones in literature and it is concluded that results of Continuous Hybrid Constant Block Method  is more accurate than  when it was implemented in  predictor corrector mode or using implicit Runge-Kutta method.

Queues with Server Utilization of One

Authors: Robert Aidoo ; Myron Hlynka
Pages: 49-52
Generally, server utilization must be less than 1 for a queueing system to be stable. One exception that maintains stability with server utilization equal to 1, is the D/D/1 case with identical interarrival times and service times.  In this paper, we present several other models which are stable with server utilization equal to 1.