The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Special Issue
Special Issue 5 2018
Regional Management System of the Tourist and Recreational Facilities on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan
Authors: Leysan I. Galimova ; Shamil’ Sh. Galimov ; Vladlen I. GainetdinovMethodological Aspects of Monitoring Implementation in Public Sector Organizations
Authors:Boris A. Tkhorikov ; Olga A. Lomovceva ; Mariia N. Dakhova ; Oleg N. Polukhin ; Olga A. Gerasimenko
Social and Cultural Threats and Risks of Russia
Authors: Inna S. Shapovalova ; Oleg N. Polukhin ; Vladimir M. Gerashchenko ; Anastasiy V. Kisilenko ; Galina I. GozhenkoEconomic Factors of the Intensifying the Migration Process
Authors: Irek K. Nizamutdinov ; Vladimir V. MalaevAnalysis of the Functioning of the Regional Oil and Gas Chemical Complex and the Formation of the Region's Resource Potential
Authors: I. L. Beilin ; V. V. Khomenko ; N. V. Kalenskaya ; А. А. SolntsevaAnalysis of Factors Affecting Modern Stock Markets
Authors: Ruslan G. Bodrov ; Tatyana V. Nikonova ; Lilia M. Yusupova ; Irina A. Kodolova ; Anatoly V. PashkeevAbout Economic Agent Reputation Value and Role in Modern Conditions of Management (Regional Aspect)
Authors: Alexander S. Grunichev ; Marat R. SafiullinInfluence of Characteristics of the Organizational Structure of Management on Level and Structure of Transactional Costs of Firm
Authors: Elina A. Gurianova ; Igor N. Gurianov ; Svetlana A. Mechtcheriakova ; Tatiana F. Palei ; Pavel A. AfoninManagement of Reproduction of the Fixed Capital of the Agricultural Enterprises by Method of Economic and Mathematical Modeling
Authors: Anas A. Nurullin ; Asiya K. Subaeva ; Aydar A. Nurullin ; Natalya R. AleksandrovaThe Impact of Ownership on the Structures Based on Division Between Policies and Companies
Authors: E. I. Kadochnikova ; N. M. Yakupova ; I. L. Beilin ; Z. N. ZapparovaWomen's Participation in the Presidential Elections in Russia: Value Aspects of Mass Media Discourse
Authors: Aida N. Nurutdinova ; Vera N. Argunova ; Arina A. TalanAsymmetry of Federation: Identification Criteria
Authors: Alsu M. Khurmatullina ; Aleksandr F. MalyiConcept of Law-Making Technology as Approach to the Problem of "Origins of Law"
Authors: Alexander V. Pogodin ; Andrey V. Putintsev ; Tuiana Ch. SharakshinovaSustainable Development of Dairy Cattle Breeding in Different Regions of the Russian Federation
Authors: Asiyа K. Subaeva ; Aydar A. Nurullin ; Vladimir T. Vodyannikov ; Elena V. Кhudyakova ; Vladimir S. SorokinThe Economic Development of the Regions and the Migration
Authors: Irek K. Nizamutdinov ; Vladimir V. Malaev
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