The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Special Issue
Special Issue 5 2018
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Star Cruise Libra, Penang
Authors: Albattat Ahmad ; Al-Laymoun Mohammad ; Alsardia Khaled ; Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid ; Abdol Ali KhatibiSocial Project Planning in the Continuing Education System of the University
Authors: Zhanna Venediktovna Smirnova ; Olga Igorevna Vaganova ; Svetlana Mikhailovna Maltseva ; Olga Vladislavovna Golubeva ; Olga Vladimirovna Katkova ; Anna Valerievna ChanchinaAn Analysis of Factors Influencing Rice Export in Egypt Based on Vector Autoregressive Model
Authors: Hanan Mahmoud Sayed AgboUsing Fuzzy Logic to Develop Employees’ Competency Ranking Model
Authors: Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen ; Phuc Van Nguyen ; Phong Thanh Nguyen ; Vy Dang Bich HuynhAesthetic, Patriotic and Religious Peacock Motifs: Framing the Meanings of Pakistani Truck Art through Foss’ and Aristotle’s Rhetorical Approach
Authors: Fatima Zahra ; Dr. Sarena AbdullahUsing the Exploration Factor Analysis (EFA) to Measure the Validity and Reliability for Da'wah Approach of Jemaah Tabligh
Authors: Muhamud Salleh ; Engku Ahmad Zaki Engku Alwi ; Zamri Chik ; Hanif Md Lateh ; Zaizul Ab. RahmanAnalysis of Fraud Factors in Financial Statement Fraud
Authors: Noer Sasongko ; Anna Nurmulina ; Dahlia FernandezThe Mediating Effect of Employee Performance on Transformational Leadership Style and Organisational Innovation: A Case Study of the Hotel Industry in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Abdullah Helalat ; Badaruddin Mohamad ; Majid GhasemyAn Explicit and Integrated NOS Flow Map in Instruction of Nature of Science based on the History of Science
Authors: Jun-Young OhWatudakon Citizens 'Social Conflict on Joker Toll Road Development in 2017 in Kesamben District, Jombang Regency
Authors: Ahmad Hasan Afandi ; M. Chairul Basrun UmanailoThe Correlation between Generic Skills and Metacognitive Skills of Biology Education Students in Tasikmalaya Indonesia Through Problem-Based Learning Model
Authors: Romy Faisal Mustofa ; Aloysius Duran Corebima ; Endang Suarsini ; Murni SaptasariThe Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills for Teaching and Learning
Authors: Logeswari Arumugam M. Pillay ; Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh ; Raja Nor Safinas Raja Harun ; Tarsame Singh Masa SinghA Qualitative Investigation of Antecedents, Mediators, Moderators, and Outcomes of Brand Equity
Authors: Phuoc-Thien Nguyen ; Ying-Kai LiaoEffect of Continuity and Smoothing of Profit on Corporate Profit- Stock Returns With Taking into Account the Heterogeneous Relationship of Profit - Efficiency on Companies Admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange
Authors: Mehdi Alinezhad Sarokolaei ; Mehdi TahmasbiIntroducing the Practices of Shariah-Compliant Hotel (Sch) In Shah Alam
Authors: Ahmad Pitra ; Amat Taap Manshor ; Jacquline Tham ; Ferdous Azam ; Eddy Yusuf
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