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International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies

Online ISSN: 2415-2331
Print ISSN: 2415-5241

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 4 Number 5 July 2018

Motives for the Ethiopian Military Intervention in Somalia Post 2006 to Yet While Enhancing Fraternal Relationships of Both States

Authors: Wagari Guluma
Pages: 35-42
This Article aimed at analyzing the role of Ethiopia in conflict resolution in the Horn of Africa, particulrly in Somalia with the specific objectives of explaining the political condition of  Somalia by  explaining Motives for the Ethiopian Military Intervention in Somalia post 2006 and analyzing the effectiveness of Ethiopian military intervention in Somalia conflict. The study adopted qualitative reasearch Metdology approach to explain Motives for the Ethiopian Military Intervention in Somalia in which the data were collected from Somalia Embassy in Ethiopia and Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through organized and well-prepared interview guidelines. The study result showed that Motives for the Ethiopian Military Intervention in Somalia. Currnetly political condition of Somalia is not capable to build organized governement; the Transitional government needs support of other countries like Ethiopia. The involvement of Ethiopia also have value in the way that struggling AlShabaab, Islamic Court Union and other terrorist groups. From the result of this study the researcher recommended that peace is not only a need for individual but rather it is worldwide and not only Ethiopia but also all nations should give a due consideration for the establishment of stability in all countries.