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Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences

Online ISSN: 2415-2188
Print ISSN: 2415-5225

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 7 Number 1 January 2021

Simple Finite-Dimensional Modules and Monomial Bases from the Gelfand-Testlin Patterns

Authors: Amadou Keita
Pages: 60-65
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.60.65
One of the most important classes of Lie algebras is sl_n, which are the n×n  matrices with trace 0. The representation theory for sl_n has been an interesting research area for the past hundred years and in it, the simple finite-dimensional modules have become very important. They were classified and Gelfand and Tsetlin actually gave an explicit construction of a basis for every simple finite-dimensional module. This paper extends their work by providing theorems and proofs and constructs monomial bases of the simple module.

A Comparison Study of Goodness of Fit Tests of Logistic Regression in R: Simulation and Application to Breast Cancer Data

Authors: El-Housainy A. Rady ; Mohamed R. Abonazel ; Mariam H. Metawe’e
Pages: 50-59
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.50.59
Goodness of fit (GOF) tests of logistic regression attempt to find out the suitability of the model to the data. The null hypothesis of all GOF tests is the model fit. R as a free software package has many GOF tests in different packages. A Monte Carlo simulation has been conducted to study two situations; the first, studying the ability of each test, under its default settings, to accept the null hypothesis when the model truly fitted. The second, studying the power of these tests when assumptions of sufficient linear combination of the explanatory variables are violated (by omitting linear covariate term, quadratic term, or interaction term). Moreover, checking whether the same test in different R packages had the same results or not. As the sample size supposed to affect simulation results, so the pattern of change of GOF tests results under different sample sizes as well as different model settings was estimated. All tests accept the null hypothesis (more than 95% of simulation trials) when the model truly fitted except modified Hosmer-Lemeshow test in "LogisticDx" package under all different model settings and Osius and Rojek’s (OsRo) test when the true model had an interaction term between binary and categorical covariates. In addition, le Cessie-van Houwelingen-Copas-Hosmer unweighted sum of squares (CHCH) test gave unexpected different results under different packages. Concerning the power study, all tests had a very low power when a departure of missing covariate existed. Generally, stukel’s test (package ’LogisticDX) and CHCH test (package "RMS") reached a power in detecting a missing quadratic term greater than 80% under lower sample size while OsRo test (package ’LogisticDX’) was better in detecting missing interaction term. Beside the simulation study, we evaluated the performance of GOF tests using the breast cancer dataset.

An Algorithmic Approach to Solve Continuum Hypothesis

Authors: Mr. Lam Kai Shun
Pages: 36-49
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.36.49
The continuum hypothesis has been unsolved for hundreds of years. In other words, can I answer it completely? By refuting the culturally responsible continuum [1], one can link the problem to the mathematical continuum, and it is possible to disproof the continuum hypothesis [2] . To go ahead a step, one may extend our mathematical system (by employing a more powerful set theory) and solve the continuum problem by three conditional cases. This event is sim-ilar to the status cases in the discriminant of solving a quadratic equation. Hence, my proposed al-gorithmic flowchart can best settle and depict the problem. From the above, one can further con-clude that when people extend mathematics (like set theory — ZFC) into new systems (such as Force Axioms), experts can solve important mathematical problems (CH). Indeed, there are differ-ent types of such mathematical systems, similar to ancient mathematical notation. Hence, different cultures have different ways of representation, which is similar to a Chinese saying: “different vil-lages have different laws.” However, the primary purpose of mathematical notation was initially to remember and communicate. This event indicates that the basic purpose of developing any new mathematical system is to help solve a natural phenomenon in our universe.

A Stable Approach for Numerical Differentiation by Local Regularization Method with its Regularization Parameter Selection Strategies

Authors: Huilin Xu ; Xiaoyan Xiang ; Yanling He
Pages: 27-35
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.27.35
The local regularization method for solving the first-order numerical differentiation problem is considered in this paper. The a-priori and a-posteriori selection strategy of the regularization parameter is introduced, and the convergence rate of local regularization solution under some assumption of the exact derivative is also given. Numerical comparison experiments show that the local regularization method can reflect sharp variations and oscillations of the exact derivative while suppress the noise of the given data effectively.

The Critics and Contributions of Mathematical Philosophy in Hong Kong Secondary Education

Authors: Mr. Lam Kai Shun
Pages: 16-26
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.16.26
There are various schools of mathematical philosophy. However, none of them can be founded on mathematics alone. At the same time, there are two types of mathematical proof styles: Dialectic and algorithm mathematical proof. The relationship between proof and philosophy is to study philosophical problems with mathematical models. This type of proof is important to Hong Kong Secondary education. In addition, teachers should explain the connection between mathematics-based subjects, such as physics, so that lessons are more interesting rather than technical. Mathematics relates to nearly all other subjects, and as such has the role of a ‘public servant’ when it comes to serving them. One role of mathematics is to act as a ‘rational’ instrument for various subjects. This can be shown in many ancient human activities, such as Daoism and Liu Hiu, together with their symbolic representations. These examples are similar to Jewish culture; when discussing confidence, Abraham is often mentioned due to being the “Father of Confidence”. Thus, it may be said that mathematics is more than just a servant—it is also a cultural subject that has been recorded throughout history. To conclude, other than mathematical proof, Hong Kong teachers should also allow students to learn the cultural context behind various topics and subjects.

The Gompertz Gumbel II Distribution: Properties and Applications

Authors: Adebisi Ade Ogunde ; Gbenga Adelekan Olalude ; Donatus Osaretin Omosigho
Pages: 1-15
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.71.1.15
In this paper we introduced Gompertz Gumbel II (GG II) distribution which generalizes the Gumbel II distribution. The new distribution is a flexible exponential type distribution which can be used in modeling real life data with varying degree of asymmetry. Unlike the Gumbel II distribution which exhibits a monotone decreasing failure rate, the new distribution is useful for modeling unimodal (Bathtub-shaped) failure rates which sometimes characterised the real life data. Structural properties of the new distribution namely, density function, hazard function, moments, quantile function, moment generating function, orders statistics, Stochastic Ordering, Renyi entropy were obtained. For the main formulas related to our model, we present numerical studies that illustrate the practicality of computational implementation using statistical software. We also present a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators for the GGTT model. Three life data sets were used for applications in order to illustrate the flexibility of the new model.